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  1. G

    PivotTable problem i think so

    Thank you very much......... that array formula is too complex for me. Please don't misunderstand. I am really a average user of Excel.
  2. G

    PivotTable problem i think so

    Thank you.... I don't think I can explain the problem to you......never mind. If you can do it otherwise its Ok.
  3. G

    PivotTable problem i think so

    Thank you Bobhc... but the output i want like this, as uploaded in the file.
  4. G

    PivotTable problem i think so

    Thank you.... I have uploaded the sample file.
  5. G

    PivotTable problem i think so

    Please if could heo
  6. G

    PivotTable problem i think so

    user col value 413212 grade CE.04 413212 eq EK.08 342860 grade TE.03 342860 eq EK.07 user grade eq 413212 CE.04 EK.08 342860 TE.03 EK.07
  7. G

    Formula to find cell address.

    Narayan, you were Right.... it was the formatting. But now there is another problem. When applied this to another range for E.g. if i need to find the max in range b1:d9 and place the result in D10 and then in E10 i paste your formula it does not work... it does not give me the correct cell...
  8. G

    Formula to find cell address.

    Thanks Narayan.. But the problem is when i paste this formula in B10 the answer seems to be appearing in Cell D10
  9. G

    Formula to find cell address.

    I used the Max function in cell A10 to find the max value in a range (a1:a9). In B10 i want to know the positon (Cell address) of the max value in the range (a1:a9).
  10. G

    data validation

    I have a worksheet where in i have allowed data entry in only 2 columns of the sheet. Whats required is when data is typed in any cell of these columns i should not be able to move anywere else without entering some data in the adjacent cell. For example if Col A and Col B are the two columns...
  11. G

    Formula to replace data

    Awesome..... Thanks Guys.
  12. G

    Formula to replace data

    I need some help in creating a formula to replace the 1's with the column header. For Example Name A B C Faseeh 1 1 Sachin 1 1 Yuvi 1 1 Should look like this... Name A B C Faseeh A C Sachin A B Yuvi A C
  13. G

    Multiple rows in single row

    Thanks Faseeh and Hui. I am a novice in Excel and unable to understand the array formula suggested by Faseeh. I have managed to do the pivot table as mentioned by Hui, but i need the formula to replace the number with the column header. Count of Course Column Labels Row Labels A B C...
  14. G

    Multiple rows in single row

    Hi, I have a sheet with more than 2000 records of 1000 students. I need to have only one record per student. How do I insert the second / third / forth records of one student into different columns so that I will have one row per student. Present format of my sheet stuNo.Stu Name Course 1...