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Search results

  1. R

    Charting Question :

    Thank you Suresh - The chart looks good, but I understand that we can only do that much to get it corrected. Its the nature of the data that is causing this issue. Nothing much can be done about it. Narayanan - Thanks for your comments. I understand your point. As you mentioned, I can probably...
  2. R

    Charting Question :

    Thanks Narayanan. I tried to modify the charts accordingly but it doesn't help much in making it more clear or visible. Unfortunately, I don't know how I can go about solving this issue. I have 4 portfolios and each tab has a different parameter called HC, Revenue, Gross Profit etc which I...
  3. R

    Charting Question :

    Hi I need a help in one of my charts. I would like to attach that chart here for everyone to see and comment. Would anyone tell me please how I can attach that file here ? Ok, I shared it here on google docs : https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3lk5AcwyMXRdlIxci1JS1lWVE0/edit The charts show...