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  1. Z

    Chromosomse style Stacked Bar Chart?

    I also got another answer to this, if anyone is interested, at http://peltiertech.com/WordPress/clustered-stacked-column-bar-charts/comment-page-2/#comment-275765
  2. Z

    Chromosomse style Stacked Bar Chart?

    Might help if I simplify the data: Let's say I have the following Chromosome | Start | End | Ancestor 1 | 1 | 100 | Chromosome length 1 | 25 | 50 | Ancestor A 1 | 45 | 75 | Ancestor B 1 | 90 | 100 | Ancestor B I would like that to...
  3. Z

    Chromosomse style Stacked Bar Chart?

    Well, the picture doesn't relate directly to the data I have listed. But in essence think of chromosome/bar 1 as starting from 1 to 247093448. So then the entry for "Walter Green & Florence Bailey" might be like the "Wirta Great Grandfather" from the picture, a particular colored segment on that...
  4. Z

    Chromosomse style Stacked Bar Chart?

    I'd like to make a chart in excel that looks like the following: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ch69snN2msk/T-ZEQZ4NhGI/AAAAAAAAB6U/NMK5uNdBkrg/s400/ChrMap623.jpg I have data that looks like so: Chr Start End MRCAs 1 41000000 61000000 Walter Green & Florence Bailey 1 48748650 52868170 Dumas...