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  1. Q

    Newly Intsalled Windows 7 With Excel 2003 - VBA Compile Error ???

    Hey Jordan, Well I deselected and..... to my surprise & amazement - it now works !!! Problem solved. Thanks Jordan. Thank you as well SirJB7.
  2. Q

    Newly Intsalled Windows 7 With Excel 2003 - VBA Compile Error ???

    I found the file on Microsoft's site, but do not know which directy to put it in.
  3. Q

    Newly Intsalled Windows 7 With Excel 2003 - VBA Compile Error ???

    Hi Jordan, Actually.... yes there is. One library is missing. It's called "Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2.6.0 (SP6). I will google this... but will not do any action until you can hopefully tell me what to do. Thanks.
  4. Q

    Newly Intsalled Windows 7 With Excel 2003 - VBA Compile Error ???

    Hi, Yesterday I releuctantly had to reinstall Windows due to ongoing slownees. Everything went well. The last time I did this was a couple of years ago. The problem I am going to describe was the same. I somehow figured it out through trial and error. This time... I have ran out of trials ...