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  1. V

    Bolding and Coloring the text in Inputbox function

    I want to bold and color a specific word in Inputbox text. For example , InputBox("Enter the name") I want to bold and color the word name when the macro executes.
  2. V

    Autofilter with a Criteria and copy individual columns to sheet 2 and sheet3 using VBA

    Name Tax1Amount Sam 74 49 Jose 77 74 Sam 17 21 JOse 24 85 JOse 55 66 I have three columns like this in sheet 1. Want to Filter name wise and only copy the Amount column of first name Sam to Sheet 2 A column and second name Jose to sheet3 A column. Required a macro for...
  3. V

    Macro for removing end space on each cell

    I'am attaching here a small portion which I'am working on. Since it is copied from an HTML file it has a space at the end of each value on the cell. Is there any macro to remove the space as I'am not able to do any multiplication or subtraction as the value is not treated as numeric.
  4. V

    Select a formula based on a criteria using Vlookup

    I worked out as per your instruction and it is working fine. Please clarify these doubts. 1. =EVALUATE(VLOOKUP(Sheet1!C2,Sheet1!$E$2:$F$4,2,0)) , I used this formula without the 0*TODAY() and it is working. Also i tried changing the value then also this is working. 2. By entering Tbl[@Value] how...
  5. V

    Select a formula based on a criteria using Vlookup

    Thank you very much Yes it is working fine, but I didn't get how it is working. Can you please explain.
  6. V

    Select a formula based on a criteria using Vlookup

    I opened the file but all the answers of the region east is same (6) and all the answers of the west is same (685). but it should be different right.
  7. V

    Select a formula based on a criteria using Vlookup

    Fresh Excel file uploaded.Have done the Vlookup from D column. Now the value which we have got in D column should be changed to formula by adding an equal sign. I tried this one but it is not working ="="&VLOOKUP(B2,$G$2:$H$4,2,0).
  8. V

    Select a formula based on a criteria using Vlookup

    Ok instead of using IF can we use VLOOKUP. Say in the same sheet I will put the three regions in G coloumn and against that the corresponding formula in H column as given below. East C2*9/75 West C3+25/3*75 North C4*30% Now from D column using Vlookup formula can we compare the region...
  9. V

    Select a formula based on a criteria using Vlookup

    That was perfect but I'am reframing the question. Now for East I Want to use the formula C2*9/75 instead of divided by 2 for West C3+25/3*75 instead of divided by 3 and for North C4*30% instead of divided by 4.
  10. V

    Select a formula based on a criteria using Vlookup

    Name Region Value Result Vijay East 50 25.00 Sam West 60 20.00 Raj North 45 11.25 Michael East 33 16.50 George North 89 22.25 Melvin West 95 31.67 Helen North 10 2.50 Rajesh East 25 12.50 Arnold West 75 25.00 Trump East 64 32.00 In the excel file attached I have used IF formula to get the...
  11. V

    Multiiple column to single column

    Thanks Debraj for your help. i just started learning vba and i'am just understanding the code.
  12. V

    Multiiple column to single column

    I have created a new macro for shifting multiple columns of data to single column, given below. The problem is if there are so many columns it will take so much time to execute. I heard if we use an array it will be much faster. any one have any idea how to that Sub Multiple_to_single()...
  13. V

    Get the values based on Criteria

    Have an excel sheet in which the data is there from A2 to A1000. First two entries are given below. 15682 124000 In B Column i must get the value based on these two criteria Between 15000-20000 value should be 250 Between 100000 to 150000 value should be 950 In the above...
  14. V

    How to Filter out the data according to the first cell

    i have an excel sheet in which the city name and corresponding codes are given like this. Datas are in the cell A1:D1, A2:D2 ,A3:D3, A4:D4. There are some thousands of rows in the actual excel sheet City name code1 Code2 code 3 code4 Mumbai 25 98 154 32 Calcutta...
  15. V

    Cell Value from another sheet with Parent cell formatting

    I have data in first sheet A1 and the value is bold and red color. Now the same value i can get from any other sheet by putting =Sheet1!A1. But how can i retain the format of the cell A1 parent cell in the second sheet ( bold and text as red color ).