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Search results

  1. C

    Help needed with SUMPRODUCT/SUMIF across multiple columns with criteria

    Thanks for the help, there weren't any errors or text strings however there were a few blank cells in the range, i replaced them all with a nominal value and it now works.
  2. C

    Help needed with SUMPRODUCT/SUMIF across multiple columns with criteria

    I've also tried =SUMPRODUCT((data1!E4:E391='Region Overview'!C4)*(data1!F4:AC391)) which also returns #VALUE! surely there must be a simple way to do a SUMIF across several columns at once in Excel? I'm really at a loss here.
  3. C

    Help needed with SUMPRODUCT/SUMIF across multiple columns with criteria

    Thanks for the welcome, i've been a long time lurker and have learnt a lot from this site. This is the first time i've been stuck without being able to find an answer. I've just tried limiting the ranges... =SUMPRODUCT(--(data1!E4:E391='Region Overview'!C4),data1!F4:AC391) i no longer get the...
  4. C

    Help needed with SUMPRODUCT/SUMIF across multiple columns with criteria

    Hello, I've been trying to figure out a simple solution to summing multiple columns (F:AC) whilst matching on criteria in column E. i've tried =SUMPRODUCT(--(data1!E:E='Region Overview'!C4),data1!F:AC) however i get an error message saying "Excel ran out of resources" despite me having...