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  1. N

    Bring the next date due

    Yes that worked perfectly Thank You so much!!:):):)
  2. N

    Bring the next date due

    I hope I can explain this one. I need to be able to bring the next due date in the attached file. The problem i have is that the "unique" value is repeated and I need to bring it by Status, so my go to vlookup is not working. I tried doing a index match, but couldn't get it to work. Example...
  3. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Whoa! thats looks great!! Thanks!! I'm going to try it on my actual data file and see how it goes. Thank you very much for your help!If you accept donations let me know =)
  4. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Hi!! The only change that i see is that Type 3=1 only in the month due for example: D14=12/20/2012....the result should be: F=0 G=0 H=0 I=1
  5. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Hi, You are correct its only suppose to be 3 values of 7, I can't figure out why it did that.
  6. N

    Easy one here.....

    Let me try this one, im a newbie as well =if(f3="N","3","10")
  7. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    making progress...its the most beautiful thing, but im getting somewhere...
  8. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Sure no Problem, Thanks For Help!! I really do aprreciate it.
  9. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    1. The due date = 2/14/2012 ; since this is not greater than the cut-off date of 8/31/2012 , all of the cells F2 through M2 will contain 0. 2. Due date = 7/10/2012 ; same as 1.<b> CORRECT </b> 3. Due date = 8/12/2012 ; same as 1.<b> CORRECT </b> 4. Due date =...
  10. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    its confusing to explain..... If the due date falls in the month column set it equal to the HOURS value (D), Include those projects that have a due date 2months out from the month column. If it is a type 3, only set it equal to the month DUE. Due date: 1st month 2month 3rd month Sept 2012...
  11. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Are you looking at my link? I couldn't edit yours.
  12. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Hello again to answer your questions: I need formulas in all months columns E-M The difference is only with type 3 where the the value goes only in the month due. Where as for TYpe 1&2 it is spread out over 3 months. from the due date the only thing that matters is the MONTH and Year, The...
  13. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    I think for the over due, I could do a Subtotal from the total subtracted from the columns in front of it......My main issue right now is how to rewrite this formula: =IF((YEAR(D2)>=YEAR($F$1)),(MONTH(D2)>=MONTH($F$1))*C2,"0") to include 2months out only and that Type 3 only get 1...
  14. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    I updated the file to include how I got it to schedule times for that month, however, i cant get it to distinguish those that included and those that are not. For example: project due October 2012 would be included in September 2012...but one due in April 2013, would not be...
  15. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Sorry for late, Google Apps and pretty much everything else blocked at work.......Columns E through L are the upcoming scheduling months. D are projects that were not completed in time, so their hours are past due. The Totals should equal column B. Basically, this is a scheduling thing. The...
  16. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    NARAYANK991: Thanks for the reply, i was unable to download your file ( it was a hosting site in spanish), I did however update my file with the data inputted so you can see what i want to happen. I do this manually right now (takes forever).
  17. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Basically since this project was due in august, the whole 12 hours are over due, So i tell it to match the past due date to the current month and if its greater to set it equal to the total. =IF(C2<$I$15,B2,"0") My main issue is when a project is coming from two months out and there will...
  18. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    I have updated the worksheet so you can see how I account for all over due projects
  19. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Hi! thanks for the reply To answer your question: Sine 8/12/2012 has already passed all 12 hours would be over due. so C2=12...I can account for all Over due projects(That is there are NO hours being projected out) My problem is when there is a future date and i need to bring it back. I...
  20. N

    Need to project out and count backwards based on month

    Hello, I was wondering if I could get help with this. Basically, I need to take the "Date Due" (when its suppose to be done) and count back assign it a value based on type. For example...If Due on OCT and type 1 (which takes 21hours) and put in 7 for OCT,SEPT, And AUG...I need for any for...