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  1. H

    Hide menu, disable editing, but enable filters

    Hi - I have an excel workbook that is connected to a DB2 table. I've set up the workbook to auto refresh when the workbook is opened, and auto filters are turned on. Now I want to disable any features and hide all the menus so that users that open this file cannot make any changes. I would...
  2. H

    Automatically Refresh Pivot Table w/o Opening Excel [SOLVED]

    Bobhc - I believe this is going to work for me. Thank you very much!!
  3. H

    Automatically Refresh Pivot Table w/o Opening Excel [SOLVED]

    Hi - I have read many ways to have Excel update all pivot tables automatically upon opening the workbook, but I want the pivot tables to update daily without opening the workbook. For reference, I have the pivot tables displayed in a SharePoint Excel Viewer WebPart, and I want the pivot...
  4. H

    VBA Code to Add Hyperlink

    Hello! I created a "button" in an excell worksheet to create a new worksheet and add the new worksheet to a list (in the same worksheet as the button). The code is below. I am trying to add the function to add a hyperlink to the new row to link to the new sheet. Everything I try either does not...