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Search results

  1. M

    VBA to generate data with certain parameters.

    Satish, Kudos to you. I tried that and it worked. you provided very detailed description on enabling developer tab in the menu. It helped a lot. Otherwise it would be of no use. Is there any way that we can create a form to enter all these details instead of entering those in multiple...
  2. M

    VBA to generate data with certain parameters.

    Hello Gurus, I wonder how we can generate the data in a spreadsheet with certain parameters. Here is the scenario. So far I'm creating this data by dragging the cursor. I've Model in column A and serial number (you can call it as VIN) in Column B as shown below. Model - VIN ABC1001...
  3. M

    How to covert rows in a table to multiple columns.

    Hui, Thanks for the formula. This is short and sweet. However we need to copy distinct values from first two columns to create row and column headings for crosstab. How can we avoid this. Any thoughts. Thanks, Madhu
  4. M

    How to covert rows in a table to multiple columns.

    Wow! thats really amazing solution. Kudos to Mercatog. Thanks Again!
  5. M

    How to covert rows in a table to multiple columns.

    Experts, I've a table with 3 columns as shown below. Student Question Answer Student-1 Q1 ABC Student-2 Q1 XYZ Student-1 Q2 MNL Student-2 Q2 EFG Student-1 Q3 DEF Student-2 Q3 KLM how to format above table as. Student Q1 Q2 Q3 Student-1 ABC MNL DEF Student-2 XYZ EFG KLM Can...