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  1. R

    Modify my code to continue even if the file is not found

    I tried it but it still does the same thing. What happens is when it does not find a file, it wont move any files after that. I did not get the message box either.
  2. R

    Modify my code to continue even if the file is not found

    Ok so I have this code, and it works great AS long as the file is available. What is happening is when I select go, it looks in column A for the file name, then goes to the folder where the file is(Column B), and moves it to a new folder(Column C). The problem is that if the file is not found...
  3. R

    Easy one here, table cell return value from another cell [SOLVED]

    I find that the more I am on here, the less questions I have to ask ... which is a good thing...
  4. R

    Easy one here, table cell return value from another cell [SOLVED]

    I got it, there were hyperlinks in cell A1, which was causing it to have the issue.
  5. R

    Easy one here, table cell return value from another cell [SOLVED]

    I think it has to do with A1 being in a table.
  6. R

    Easy one here, table cell return value from another cell [SOLVED]

    I know how to do this, but I have an issue. I have A1= A1 on sheet 2. But instead of returning the value, it returns the formula. Thoughts?
  7. R

    Execute a Hlookup inside an IF statement

    Ok have the first part working, the second command returns a n/a.
  8. R

    Execute a Hlookup inside an IF statement

    So after re reading I see better, when we return fruit, it should return anything in the fruit column. So the column is labeled fruit and in that column is apples, bananas, peaches. It would return this if the user selects fruit, but if the user selects meat, it would return pork, steak...
  9. R

    Execute a Hlookup inside an IF statement

    But can we use this inside an if statement. If this do this vlookup, else if this do this vlookup?
  10. R

    Execute a Hlookup inside an IF statement

    Can I execute a formula inside a formula. My colleague is want to to do this: If he selects fruit, he wants his hlookup to return for the selected hlookup for fruit, but if he selects meat, he wants his hlookup to return the selected hlookup for meat. Example...
  11. R

    Can excel pull from a different workbook if it is closed, but in the same folder

    So my Dashboard file is called Dashboard. If my other is called Jello, do I need to do something special to link them.
  12. R

    Can excel pull from a different workbook if it is closed, but in the same folder

    Upon open I want the dashboard to update. I am not a guru so just trying to put something together. I imagine cell links would be the easiest for my knowledge level.
  13. R

    Can excel pull from a different workbook if it is closed, but in the same folder

    I am kinda making a dashboard. In my folder I have 5 other excel files. My question is can my dashboard pull from those files as changes are made? It could update on open, which is fine.
  14. R

    Select a column based upon a value chosen

    Ok I thank you for your patience and help. I did get it to work. I have more than one sheet in the workbook, so I had to define the ranges for just the specific sheet. Once I did that everything worked fine. Again thank you.
  15. R

    Select a column based upon a value chosen

    Why does your range have an Offset for some of the ranges? I tried to copy them over to define the range, if I could figure out how to send you the book I would, but it has "confidential" info in it.
  16. R

    Select a column based upon a value chosen

    Are they defined in the Macro 4? I see where you are talking about but I am not sure where they refer to in the sheet.
  17. R

    Select a column based upon a value chosen

    Ok I figured out the three normal ranges... the dynamic I have not yet
  18. R

    Select a column based upon a value chosen

    I am sorry, you lost me on that, that is the macro that is ran with it? Or do I need to put that else where.
  19. R

    Select a column based upon a value chosen

    I can not figure out what I am doing wrong. I copied the code into my VB editor for the worksheet. I am using Sheet 2 in my book. I have my C1 D1 E1 as the cells for the commands, but I am getting nothing. The book you attached is doing exactly what I was wanting. I also have the Macro added in...
  20. R

    Select a column based upon a value chosen

    I have Excel 2010. In row 6 I have either an S or P in column F thru EH You are correct in what I need my action to be. If I select "S" I want only the columns that have a "S" in row six to be visible, much like a filter would work. And the same if a "P" is selected, would only show the...
  21. R

    Select a column based upon a value chosen

    In row 6 I have several columns, some that contain an S and others contain a P. I want to have an active cell that when I click on P ( say A1), only the columns that contain a P in row 6 will be visible. Is this possible?
  22. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    I am not sure how to post an example from my skydrive but let me try the embed link, https://skydrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=63F95EA410E059A9!130&cid=63f95ea410e059a9&authkey=APS0V9azIHK4nIY Let me know if this works...
  23. R

    Move files on my desktop using a list in excel

    I may not be explaining this right. In column A is a list of server names, they are all different and unique..These are extracted by a script from the another sheet. The actual server file would be "I_move_TED.mefs" which is the mef file that belongs to the server TED.The script unfortunately...