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Search results

  1. D

    Data entry forms *without* macros

    Excel has a "Form" button that one can use on top of a table, and when you click on it Excel brings up a form that has all the fields in the table, and that lets you navigate through its data and append new records to it. You can use it in a .xlsx (no macros) file, but it does not validate your...
  2. D

    Data entry forms *without* macros

    Thank you for your answers. However, I know what data validation is and how to use it. What I want is a data-entry form (so the user does not need to navigate to the bottom of a several-hundred-record table) with data validation (so the fields that should be limited to a list are forced to be)...
  3. D

    Data entry forms *without* macros

    Our company has made available a Sharepoint Server where one can post files and other users can open and modify them (in Internet Explorer). The problem is that files that contain advanced (and potentially dangerous) content, such as external links and macros are not available that way and need...
  4. D

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi, there. I am an engineer in Colombia, and I hope to get "awesome in Excel", as your slogan purports. I have been working with Excel for decades, and consider myself quite proficient, but there is always room for improvement, and the things and tips I have seen here make want to stay and...