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Search results

  1. D

    How to know the latest received price

    Hi Luke & KPJSWT....A lot of thanks for your time and efforts to solve my problem. Actually the extract should get the following table: Security' Price type Portfolio Price date Price Received on ACC Ltd Estimate ABC 10/08/2012 1345 18/08/2012 ACC Ltd Sub...
  2. D

    How to know the latest received price

    How to get the following extract from the data Security Name, Price type, Portfolio, Price date, Price, Received on DATA Security, Price type, Portfolio, Price date, Price, Received on ACC Ltd , Estimate, ABC, 31/05/2012, 1,300.00 08/06/2012 ACC Ltd Sub, Estimate, ABC, 31/05/2012...
  3. D

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi... I feel as a child standing in the middle of a crowd of Masters in Excel. I am sure that I can learn something from you all.