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  1. C

    Match/Index problem

    I am trying to solve it without pivot tables since I get data like this all the time. I tried your approach, but I could not arrange properly the way you propose it. I tried this other approach to obtain the machine use only from the lowest time stamp but no luck either...
  2. C

    Match/Index problem

    I posted the wrong link. This is the correct one, http://www.divshare.com/download/11879617-089
  3. C

    Match/Index problem

    Hui, Here is the file http://www.divshare.com/download/11879585-b52
  4. C

    Match/Index problem

    Thanks Hui But my answer needs to be in this format _________3/1/2010_____3/2/2010_______3/3/2010 Product 1_____1_________1 Product 2_____2 Product 3_____ I need to find out what process they used on each date I've tried the approach of the helper column before. WHen I did, I was able...
  5. C

    Match/Index problem

    I am having a problem with Match/Index results. In my first set of data, I was able to pull all the data that matched 2 criteria using Match/Index with out any problem using this formula, (Each data entry was unique.) =INDEX(DATA1,MATCH(DATA2,IF(RANGE1=DATA, RANGE2),0),1) However, my...
  6. C

    Data sorting by order of appearance

    I have a file with 6,000 rows of data and several columns. Data has product numbers and dates with time stamps. A product may appear several times during a day worth of data. My goal is to sort the data by day, but I need to show the order that the products appear on the list (For example, out...
  7. C

    Modify dynamic range for chart

    I want to create a scroll bar for a dynamic chart. The dynamic chart only uses the last 7 columns of the dynamic table. When creating the ranges' X and Y names, I could not make this equation grab the last 7 columns only, =OFFSET('Consolidated Data'!$A$5,0,0,COUNTA('Consolidated...
  8. C

    Excel Animation

    It is the excel sheet in this page http://www.excelhero.com/blog/2010/04/excel-location-mapping.html
  9. C

    Excel Animation

    Hui, I've studied the same Walmart example from excelhero.com and the only part I cannot figure out is how does he increase or decrease the X and Y chart ranges using the scroll bar (ndx) value.
  10. C

    Excel Animation

    I've been working with a set of data events that get captured in time by an electronic tracking device. I've managed to manipulate the data to calculate equipment idle time and utilization. Then, I created menus using checkboxes to generate dynamic charts that enable you to choose a particular...