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Search results

  1. A

    Separating data into 2 columns take 2 :)

    I have a name column in my spreadsheet that I want to separate into two columns,a firstname+middle column(Name1) and a lastname+title column (Name2) . Not all of the names in the current Name column are formatted the same (i.e. some people don't have middle initial or have 2 middle initials). Is...
  2. A

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi! I'm Ash and I was referred to this site from a co-worker. I can't wait to learn more about how I can improve my Excel skills!
  3. A

    separating data into 2 columns

    I have a name column in my spreadsheet that I want to separate into two columns,(firstname+middle) and (lastname+title). Not all of the names are formatted the same (i.e. some people don't have middle initial or have 2 middle initials). Is there a way I can separate the names into two...