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Search results

  1. P

    Selecting Multiple Slicer Items

    Thanks Chihiro, for taking the time to help me out. It is appreciated.
  2. P

    Selecting Multiple Slicer Items

    Thanks Chihiro, I used the latter and it cut the loop time in half. I also saved some time by exiting the loop when all remaining conditions allowed me to do so. However, for certain loops, it still takes about 30 seconds to loop through the slicer items. I was unable to piece together...
  3. P

    Selecting Multiple Slicer Items

    Guys, I have a pivot slicer listing 52 different week date filters. There are some time filter options to provide users with specific totals. "Last 52 Weeks", "Last 26 Weeks", "Last 13 Weeks", "Month to Date", etc. When a time filter is changed, it is taking about 1.5 minutes to return results...
  4. P

    Name of VBA sub procedure in status bar

    Thanks John, I appreciate the info.
  5. P

    Name of VBA sub procedure in status bar

    I'm having difficulty trying to find a way for the VBA status bar to reflect the name of the sub procedure. I have numerous sub procedures and instead of hard coding the Application.Statusbar = "private sub 123()", I would like the status bar to reflect the name of the current sub procedure...
  6. P

    VBA opens file but does not activate it.

    Thanks for responding PCosta... that is what I ended up doing. And thanks Moderator for moving to the VBA section... now I know it exists. LOL.
  7. P

    VBA opens file but does not activate it.

    I've been running a macro daily for over 5 years that would automatically activate each workbook after opening. Beginning this morning, when VBA opens a file, it does not automatically activate it. Workbooks.Open Filename:="\\jupiter\projects\macrofile.xls" I've tried this on three different...
  8. P

    Custom tab with hyperlinked icons

    In the event anyone is interested... Although the method Chihiro suggested would have been preferred, I didn't really have the time to set that up... along with the fear that I would mess up some company IT security setting... along with my machine. My short term fix (and easier to...
  9. P

    Custom tab with hyperlinked icons

    Thanks Chihiro... I appreciate the response. Looks like I have some work to do.
  10. P

    Custom tab with hyperlinked icons

    Greetings, Is it possible to create hyperlinks to websites and folders within a custom tab group? I have a custom tab which I want to populate with shortcuts to research sites and shortcuts to network folders (where I can then open a new file). I currently have the hyperlinks available within...
  11. P

    Remove entire column of formulas

    Thanks Narayan for taking the time to help me. As you mentioned, I also noticed that if I clear the cells from the bottom up, it reduces the time to update. Thanks to all you guys, I am constantly learning and applying more efficient methods to building my spreadsheets.
  12. P

    Remove entire column of formulas

    Thanks but that isn't speeding up the process. I removed all references to this column from the other formulas. I am assuming since my formula references all other cells above each one, in the same column, is why it's taking so long. I was using this formula below to capture a unique list...
  13. P

    Remove entire column of formulas

    Yes, the results from this column were referenced (index/match) on a couple other sheets. usually took about 5-6 seconds to calculate.
  14. P

    Remove entire column of formulas

    Does anyone know how to efficiently remove an entire column of formulas? I have about 45,000 rows in one column with an "IF, IF, COUNTIF, MAX" formula and I cannot seem to quickly remove it. I've tried, copy/paste values, find/replace "=" to a text character, turning off calculation, deleting...
  15. P

    Overide Excel Chart Auto Min/Max Values

    Thanks Luke. I appreciate the quick response.
  16. P

    Overide Excel Chart Auto Min/Max Values

    Is there a way to overide a chart's axis auto-set values with a formula or cell reference? I frequently need to "display units in thousands" and the minimum chart axis seems to always defaults to zero and the maximium axis defaults to just above the maximum series value . An example would be a...
  17. P

    Excel Camera Images

    Thanks guys, I will look into these options and see which one works best from a remote access perspective.
  18. P

    Excel Camera Images

    Bob, I am using the Excel camera tool. Yes, the same Arial 8pt font is available on both machines.
  19. P

    Excel Camera Images

    Not sure if this is an Excel question or an operating system question… Does anyone know what would cause an Excel picture, taken with the Excel camera, appear differently when the picture is taken on different machines. From my work desktop, I frequently take a “picture” of Excel data and copy...
  20. P

    Pivot Table Slicer Connections Error

    Peter, AWESOME idea! I just did it and was able to link the slicer. 15 seconds just saved me a bunch of labor in the office. Thanks!!!
  21. P

    Pivot Table Slicer Connections Error

    Thanks Eric, I was also able to re-create two PTs and link to the same slicer but I am attempting to link a second PT to an existing larger PT (that would take some time to re-build). There must be some obscure rule somewhere which is causing the error and I'd like to try and identify it so if...
  22. P

    Pivot Table Slicer Connections Error

    Does anyone know why I keep getting the error message "An error occured and the slicer cannot currently be created or connected to PivotTables" when trying to connect a slicer to a second pivot table? -PivotTable1 and PivotTable2 both use the same data range -The "slicer connections" box option...
  23. P

    Create Sheet with designated sheet number

    Thanks for the suggestions guys but my inability to properly communicate my thoughts, or use the correct terminology, made this more difficult than it needed to be. I was able to create a new worksheet in an existing workbook and change the new sheet's codename using the code below. So now using...
  24. P

    Create Sheet with designated sheet number

    Thanks Debraj, but I was unable to find a solution from the link you provided. What I am trying to do is create a worksheet and force the “code name” for that sheet. Example, If I created the worksheet today, I would name it “12-10-13” but Excel would provide it with a sequential built in code...
  25. P

    Create Sheet with designated sheet number

    I sure this is elementary for most of you guys but I am having a hard time trying to create a new sheet with a predesignated sheet number. I want to create a new sheet coded as (Sheet50) . I will be giving it a different name on different files but I would need to reference (Sheet50) via VBA...