I have a cell that contains =VLOOKUP(P5,Support!$G$13:$H$40,2,FALSE).
P5 should contain a 4 digit folder code typed by the user, however because I suspect what they will do is copy and paste the full file path in "1900 Appointments and ToR" rather than just 1900.
as such I tried using...
Putting =INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(A5,"!$B$4")) in D5 works; =INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(A5,"!",$B$4)) does not.
Thank you for your continued help; it now works in a much more useful way.
the problem is not with the links to external files; I am only trying to fix the index worksheet.
Index, D5 contains =ACT!$B$4, replacing that cell with =INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(A5,"!",$B$4)) brings up a #REF! error with B4 being selected on the Index sheet; not the ACT sheet.
Hi Hui,
Thank you for your help; however it seems to not be working still.
I tried replacing with your equations; however it returned a #REF error.
I have uploaded the workbook to http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2861216/index.xls
I have a spread sheet called index.xls, that contains several worksheets;
The Main worksheet is called index and contains the following:
Column A is a three letter Identifier, relating to data on other sheets. Each sheet is called by the three letter Identifier,
Column B is a Descripton...
On Boingboing.net today there was a Clock that calculates wasted time at meetings -- http://feeds.boingboing.net/~r/boingboing/iBag/~3/wa8scbRULsg/clock-calculates-was.html
I had the thought of implementing something like that using excel.
Cost of Meeting...
I have workbook with several sheets, most of them are the same, bar the front one, which is a index of the others.
on that sheet I have the following data starting in Row 5:
ACT Action List =HYPERLINK("[index.xls]"&A5&"!A1","Click Here") =ACT!$B$4 =ACT!$C$4
APP Appointment...