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  1. A

    INDEX and MATCH Function HELP

    In the data file I have 4 columns. 1- Client Code 2- Client Name 3- Product Name 4- Date In the data client names appear more than once, if they have bought more than one product either at the same date or at a different date. I am trying to match the client name with the most current...
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    Data substitution [SOLVED]

    Here's it can be done. Let's say A1 is where user types in "Y", in B1 change the font format to Windings and also in B1 type/copy the following formula; IF(A1="Y","ü","-") In the above formula the character "ü" represents the Winding checkmark.Try it
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    Excel Tabling Tool - Filter Multiple Tables Using Single Drop Down

    It will be best, if you can mention how each table is designed. If the main difference between the tables is that each one represent traffic data for a specific year, then you can assign a unique name to each table and either use data validation to call up any specific table or use Combo box to...
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    Move toolbars to another computer

    One option is to zip those addons and save the zipped file first on your hard drive. Then create an e-mail in your corporate e-mail, attach the zipped file and save the e-mail as a draft. And delete the zipped file you saved it on your hard drive Later when you get the new laptop, download the...
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    Conditional Formatting based on a range AND a drop down list

    Hi, It is kind of difficult to envision your spreadsheet just by the above description. However lets give it a shot. First of all one must always identify the version of MS Excel in use, knowing the version is critical in attempting to provide assistance. One possible way is to add another...
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    Converting Sumifs to Excel 2003 [SOLVED]

    The "SUMIFS" is exclusively for 2007 version it will not work in prior versions. Reason, previous versions of Excel acknowledge formula only when it says "SUMIF" and not "SUNIFS" note the difference of letter "S" in 2007 version. Try the following array formula in 2003 version (make sure when...
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    Look up Help

    Thanks Chandoo, The solution you have provided is good, as it identifies the either the later date or the highest amount. However, may be my explanation of the issue was not very clear, what I am actually looking for is to identify the latest date associated with the largest/maximum dollar...
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    Look up Help

    Hi, First of all many congratulations on this excellent MS Excel resource for excel users regardless of their level of expertise in Excel. Before joining the forum today, I visit the main site on regular basis and I have learnt quite a few things. Today, however I have an Excel issue of my...
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    Time Reporting

    Hi Garetjax, As I understand, after reading your post, that there are mainly tthree things: a) Creation and maintenance of time tracking spreadsheet for around 200 staff members; Possible Solution: As you mentioned, that staff are divided between 12 functional teams. In my limited...