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  1. I


    Is there any way to make a excel formula that states: Formula in the cell B2: If the value of cell A2 is in the range G2:G21, then the value of cell B2 is equal of the cell in the range H2:H21 (offset -1 column). Ex: A2 = "Ágora Liquidez", then B2 = "Fundo Ágora Liquidez" In cell B2 is the...
  2. I

    Export table from Excel to Word

    I'd like to know how to create a code to export a range in Excel to a Word document that already exists. The issue here is that the Excel range has to be pasted in the end of the Word document. I have a code that pastes it in the begining. Sub createWord() Dim WdObj As Object, fname As...
  3. I

    Formula Array VBA

    Thanks, Luke!
  4. I

    Formula Array VBA

    Hui, that´s the worksheet. The output is in range M13:M16. Thanks!
  5. I

    Formula Array VBA

    Hi, I'm tryng to write a code that uses the outputs of a UDF that's a Formula Array. Function GARCHparams(rets, startParams) GARCHparams = NelderMead("GARCHMLE", rets, startParams) End Function When I record the macro, the code is: Range("O1:O4").Select Selection.FormulaArray = _...
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    On Error Doubt

    thanks :)
  7. I

    On Error Doubt

    what Err.Clear:On Error GoTo 0:On Error GoTo -1 means?
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    On Error Doubt

    thanks! But I dont know the On Error GoTo is not working... there still a message of error number 1004 when the match function don't work...
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    On Error Doubt

    Hi! I´d like to right a code that when error ocuors then it should jump a part of the code and read another (On error GoTo), but when error doesn't ocuors then it shouldn't read that part of error treatment. For i = 2 To uLinha On Error GoTo adicionar procurar =...
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    Array Doubt

    the purpose ir to take some informations that are below each cell that contains the word "tipos".
  11. I

    Array Doubt

    Hi! I'm trying to right a code that needs a dynamic array. Basically, I'd like to look into all found values (method find) in a current region and store them address in a array. For example, if I find 4 values (then j=4, in my code) in the region that im looking for, then i'd like my array to...
  12. I

    Array Formulas

    Please, I'm tryng to write a dynamic code. I just know how to write it in R1C1 mode, but I'd like to write it as A1 mode. Range("B10").Select Selection.FormulaArray = "=MMULT(MMULT(R7C2:R7C" & nAtivos + 1 & ",Matriz!R2C2:R" & nAtivos + 1 & "C" & nAtivos + 1 & "),TRANSPOSE(R7C2:R7C" &...
  13. I

    VBA - working with array [SOLVED]

    It worked! Thanks! :)
  14. I

    VBA - working with array [SOLVED]

    I wrote this: Dim linha() As Integer Set ret = Sheets("Retornos") nAtivos = 6 '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< For i = 2 To nAtivos + 1 linha(i) = ret.Cells(253, i).End(xlUp).Row Next...
  15. I

    VBA - working with array [SOLVED]

    Hi! I'd like to know how can I can write a code that for each "i", I have a value in the variable linha(i). For example, in the column 2 (ie, i=2), the first filled row (ret.Range(Cells(253, i)).End(xlUp).Row) is 10, so linha(2) = 10 ... column 3, first filled row is 5, then linha(3) = 5 ...
  16. I

    Run a macro from VBA

    No! How can I do this?
  17. I

    Run a macro from VBA

    its not the option A problem... What´s C option?
  18. I

    Run a macro from VBA

    Should I do this in workbook_y or workbook_x?
  19. I

    Run a macro from VBA

    It might be the opton A problem. What should I do?
  20. I

    Run a macro from VBA

    Yes, SirJB7! But neither the first macro runs... The error is: 'Run-Time Error '1004': its not possible to execute a macro because it might not be available or all macros can be desabled...
  21. I

    Run a macro from VBA

    Hi! I'm trying to write a VBA code to: From workbook_x it opens workbook_y and then run the macros (macro1 and macro2) that are stored in workbook_y. I tryed this: (its written in workbook_x's VBE) ' Workbooks.Open ("U:workbook_y.xlsm") Windows("workbook_y.xlsm").Activate...
  22. I

    UDF - How to define a variable range?

    Thank you! It worked :)
  23. I

    UDF - How to define a variable range?

    I'm trying to write a UDF that calculates the slope between 2 variable ranges. But it stucks when I declare the ranges. Whats wrong with this? Function varc(ticker) Dim rang1, rang2 As Range Set cart = Sheets("CARTEIRA") Set ret = Sheets("Retorno") 'ticker =...
  24. I

    Last Row with a especific text

    Hi, I'm trying to determine the last row that has a especific text. I'm sisng the find function, and the code is: Sub orgDebentures() 'Opções Range("k6").Select Do On Error GoTo erro Cells.Find(What:="Debentures", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _...
  25. I

    Comparing Tables

    Sajan, my problem is exactly the second case... As I said I have 2 tables, one of month (t-1) and the other of month t. I need to know, in month t, what are the new "lines" (A:D) and witch "lines" in month (t-1) are not in month t table anymore.