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  1. M

    How to make a value of a cell invisible

    Thanks Masters Deb, Narayank991, and Shrivallabha. It WORKS and I'm very happy. The formula from Ninja Narayank just had a typo........should be $C$1 instead of $B$1. and that's it. Today I learned a lot from 3 of you guys. Gracias, Mercy..... Thanks a bunch. Mario.
  2. M

    How to make a value of a cell invisible

    Hi Deb, I tried, tried exactly what instructed from you, but the value of the C's cells still show up even though there no data entered on A's cells and B's cells. Please check and help me again. Regards Mario
  3. M

    How to make a value of a cell invisible

    Thanks Deb, I'm thrilled to see the fast reply. Your formula works fine, but when you skip one ROW ( for example the row 3 with no data entered), then the value of the next C4 is incorrect because C3 was 0. Please check and advise. Best regards, Mario
  4. M

    How to make a value of a cell invisible

    Hi, I have formula as below: C1 = SUM(A1,B1) (= 21 as example) ====================== C2 =(SUM(C1,A2)-B2) (= 18) C3 =(SUM(C2,A3)-B3) (= 27)...(value of C3 depends on value of C2) and copy the formuala of C2, or C3 down of column C to C20 10 11 21 (C1) 2 5 18...