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  1. J

    Sum If problem?

    I have a problem that has been boggling my brain for the past 2 hours and hopefully you guys can help. I have a column of errors, the employee with whom it concerns, the cost centre to which that employee is attached and then a number of columns for different types of errors (overtime, travel...
  2. J

    Ranking string data for one column

    Thanks for the reply Sajan. I did consider doing it this way, only there are a large number of cost centers, and they are not in any order. Basically A:A - Query number (date) B:B - employee number C:C - Cost Center. The thing to note is that the worksheet is ordered by date and the queries...
  3. J

    Ranking string data for one column

    Hi guys, I hope you can help. I have a worksheet that contains an error log. Each error has with it a number of different pieces of data relevant to the query, one of which being 'cost center'. I would like to create a graph for the 5 most frequently seen cost centers (the cost centers are not...
  4. J

    Combining Vlookup with concatenate

    Thanks for the help guys. I am still learning this stuff too :: I managed to get it working. Basically my formula says 'if this person's name is in the mobile list, put the mobile number here, if not, put the address'. Unfortunately it looks like I have just spammed the keyboard for 15minutes...
  5. J

    Combining Vlookup with concatenate

    Hey guys I got it working via the long way round. Not very tidy, but it does work :) IF((ISNUMBER(C128)),CONCATENATE(VLOOKUP("*0*"&C128,Addresses,6,FALSE)," ", VLOOKUP("*0*"&C128,Addresses,7,FALSE)," ", VLOOKUP("*0*"&C128,Addresses,8,FALSE)),"Nothing Found") If anyone has a suggestion how...
  6. J

    Combining Vlookup with concatenate

    Hi ssuresh How do I get 3 vlookups to work together, when the vlookup for that section functions as the 'True' for an 'IF' function (if I have multiple vlookups won't it confuse the True False statements for that function) e.g...
  7. J

    Combining Vlookup with concatenate

    Hi Narayank I need the values of the 3 columns from my 'Data' sheet to be combined and shown as the combined string in my formula cell though. Is that array setup to vlookup data from 3 columns and put them in 3 columns? I need them concatenated into 1 string...
  8. J

    Combining Vlookup with concatenate

    Hey bobhc Thanks for the link, it is really helpful. Unfortunately in this case I can't get it to work as I am trying to combine strings, not values. Also this formula is in the middle of quite a large formula and I can't get it to create an array when I press ctrl+shift+enter...
  9. J

    Combining Vlookup with concatenate

    Hey Guys Again, I am sure this has been covered before but I would like to post my specific question for your perusal. I want to use vlookup to retrieve data from a separate sheet, and as it stands it works fine for a single column | ref - a1, sheet 2 - Data (strings I need are in columns...
  10. J

    Vlookup containing string

    Hey guys Thanks for all your advice. I have used bits and pieces from all your suggestions and managed to amalgamate a working formula :) It is called 'logic' but it is so damn complicated lol :) Regards
  11. J

    Vlookup containing string

    It is mainly just the mid(b2,1+find(" ",b2),999) bit I don't understand
  12. J

    Vlookup containing string

    Also does that not need to be an array formula and have the {} either end as it contains multiple sections?
  13. J

    Vlookup containing string

    I see that works on the link you sent me, that is great. Can I just finally ask you to explain the last section as I have no idea what it does. "*"&MID(B2,1+FIND(" ",B2),999)&"*",$H$2:$H$4,0
  14. J

    Vlookup containing string

    this is the result on my worksheet http://tinypic.com/r/30canac/6
  15. J

    Vlookup containing string

    I am using 2003 unfortunately
  16. J

    Vlookup containing string

    Or is there a way to only look at part of the string in the reference cell, so as to append the 'Mr' that is impeding us :)
  17. J

    Vlookup containing string

    A basic vlookup ( =vlookup(b5,g2:h4,1,0) ) works if I add a 'Mr' to the name column 'G' but there must be a simpler way of recognising that information without having to manually add a prefix or suffix each time
  18. J

    Vlookup containing string

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgOpAwUBu4T_dGRTSXZyclVkWXpyZkw3ZEszMWtSbHc&userstoinvite=ian.huitson@gmail.com#gid=0 That should be public access now. Could you explain the 'iferror' and 'MID(B2,1+FIND' part of that as I do not understand what they are for. Thanks
  19. J

    Vlookup containing string

    That returns #Name? in C2 I have seen other examples of vlookup using partial string match, but I start to lose track when the formula has several components :) I thought there was a way of using the asterisk symbol to specify part of the string in the reference cell, but I am not familiar...
  20. J

    Vlookup containing string

    Here is the file in case that pic is not sufficient https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgOpAwUBu4T_dGRTSXZyclVkWXpyZkw3ZEszMWtSbHc#gid=0
  21. J

    Vlookup containing string

    Here is an example of the layout http://i50.tinypic.com/2gumi6w.jpg I want to use the name column on the left as my reference to grab the relevant mobile number on the right based on the corresponding string part. thx
  22. J

    Vlookup containing string

    Hi Guys This is my first post and i'm sorry if you get asked this same question a million times but I am at work and don't really have time to trawl the whole site :) I am trying to use vlookup to collect a phone number from a second worksheet in my workbook. My reference cell will have a...