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Search results

  1. J

    cloud shape revision

    Hello bobhc! I converted the cloud to freeform before editing the points until i had my desired shape but how do i transform the modified parts into one whole cloud again?
  2. J

    cloud shape revision

    Hello Hui! So sorry for not reading the 3 sticky stuffs first cos i really need the solution badly. Tnx for your immediate reply but I think I have already done what you have suggested and it did not work. Maybe it's because I have not explained it well so let me pleas explain further...
  3. J

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi to everyone! I discovered chandoo while desperately searching for a way to modify the shape of the cloud, i.e., rectangular. Now that i am already a member, I hope my problem will be solved soon.
  4. J

    cloud shape revision

    can a cloud be revised to a preferred shape? I tried editing the points but it's so difficult to control the shape i wanted it to be. I am using excel 2007 version.