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  1. K

    select all columns at once which need special criterium

    Hi Kaushik, thank you very much for your friendly welcoming too! @Hui and @Kaushik: thank you very much for your kind support, it works :-) you made my day!! Sincerely Kurt
  2. K

    select all columns at once which need special criterium

    Hui, thank you yery much for your friendly welcoming! I looked at the link (and watched the video too), but I dont understand how this could help solve my problem. The demo has a "simple" sort-criteria: name of salemen like Jospeh, Maria ... My data dont have such a simple" criteria like an...
  3. K

    select all columns at once which need special criterium

    Hello forum! My problem is as follows; I have a very long list with data. the first column contains values like this: cityname/country, eg. New Dehli/India or Madrid/Spain. (cityname, slash, country name). I want to select all rows of a country , eg. Spain and extract this subset into a new...