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  1. E


    Thank you. Will have to absorb, but I really appreciate your help!
  2. E


    Here you go ... no idea what's going on with the graph BTW - makes no sense where the Y-axis values are coming from.
  3. E


    Thank you Somedra - been traveling, so a little tardy. The total data table is at the top, the inputs to the graph at the bottom. Currently hard coded, but I would like to dynamically change the "Rebate" numbers in the graph input to update the graph ad hoc based on rebate scenarios using the...
  4. E


    I have a data table with DISCOUNT (%) as the rows and SHARE (%) as the column. I would like to automatically lookup various combinations of discount and share to populate a chart. The chart input area only uses three of the possible 20 discount percentages and share multiples of five percentage...
  5. E

    Approach Question - VBA? Formulas?

    Thanks Montrey. I apolgize, but I mischaracterized the data ... copied and pasted. In the marketing data, there is no record for customers who did not receive a call only for those who do. So each customer has a different number of (records of) marketing calls but a record for every month...
  6. E

    Approach Question - VBA? Formulas?

    I am trying to glean the impact a monthly marketing campaign has on customer behavior and sales. I have two data sets: 1. Customer Purchases Column A: Customer ID Column B: Data (MMM/YYYY) Column C: Purchase Flag (Y/N) Column D: Revenue ($) 2. Customer Calls Column A: Customer ID Column...
  7. E

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hey everyone. Thanks in advance for your help. At first I'll be asking more than answering but hope to become a helper soon enough! Cheers! kyle