Just thinking about...could it be possible to do it without help column and without macros?
I was trying a formula like this:
But failed finding out why this doesn't...
Just saw the your workbook.It's great. I got the most primitive solution from the link Luke posted, but yours is more sofidticated, so I'll have to do some forensics by myself to totally understand your solution.
Thanxs again to all for your fast answer.
Luke M:
Thankx, the link gave me the answer i was looking for.
By the way should I rename the post like "Solved" or Something? Sorry for my lack of experience posting in the blog.
Debray Roy:
Sorry, trying to get the answer from a 2003 Office, so can't open your .xlsx file.
Thanx for answering so diligently. I'll have a look at the link you posted.
The date format is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm.
Ah1 and I forgot to post that the answer should feet in Excel 2003!
I'll look at the link and turn back to give some fedback.
i ve got a problem i cant solve. I've got the intuition that i coul solve it using the knowledge i already have, but i cant get to the algorithm to solve it using excel.
Here is the problem.
I' ve got a spreadsheet like the following:
Start date and time | Stop date and time | Id...