I replied to this but it didnt take...
No i cant legally upload my workbook anymore as it contains legal information that I cant edit nor remove that I would be liable for if I posted it online.
The data list is what I posted above currently, and all the rows are in the post below that, the...
I tried exactly that and came up with the same issue, when i varying sizes in some instances it showed a blank instead of the text in the last place...
soooo apparently that was incorrect too, it worked for just a couple entries uniform for every row in the make sheet, but once I added a few more something went wrong and now the formula evaluates to an error
this is currently what I have the make sheet:
3, American Coleman,, American...
actually I did some research on the offset function and got it working... I used the following:
=OFFSET('Make Sheet'!A1, (INDIRECT("C"&ROW()) - 1951), 1, 1, INDIRECT("'Make Sheet'!$A$"&(INDIRECT("C"&ROW()) - 1950)))
And I used the following for the models of every make...
do you mind explaining exactly what was done to me? Id rather learn from this than come back with a similar question or one that can be solved with a similar answer
Sheet 1 has 4 main collumns, year make model and vin
Make should have a certain drop down menu based on the year (some manufacturers went out of business or were created at certain dates)
Then based on the make and year you should be able to choose certain models
There is a main sheet with...
I am trying to make a drop down menu for a sheet i can email to prospective clients where they can easily fill out different options. It would be a vehicle basis and the drop down menus I am creating are to choose make based on year and model based on make and year. I have already attempted...