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  1. B

    Comparing two values.

    Thanks very much i managed to do it. Very helpful. thanks again.
  2. B

    Comparing two values.

    bobhc I see that when values in column A are greater than that in column B the column B cells become green. and become red for vice versa. can you explain how its done??
  3. B

    Comparing two values.

    Thanks for the help, its what I wanted. By any chance is there a method to highlight the cell in Green when it true, and in Red when its False automatically? Thanks Again.
  4. B

    Comparing two values.

    I have Two values, say 250 in cell A1 and 350 in cell B1. Now I want to check if the value in A1 is smaller than that in B1. I wish to have a cell which shows when this statment is correct or is being violated. ( Say 100 in A1 and 25 in B1). Is there a method how to achieve this? Thanks...