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  1. A

    fix hyperlinks automatically

    Hi SirJB7 Thank you very much. The VBA code works when I use [geturl(A1)] to extract the address (i think that's why it doesn't work initially as my cell has the friendly name instead of the address) Thank you very much Regards Angie
  2. A

    new to Chandoo

    Hi there My name is Angie and I happend to find Chandoo is very helpful in Excel.I keep reading the newsletter. Till today, I found this forum to post quesions and find answers. I'm quite new to the forum and appreciate everyone's help. Thanks a lot Angie
  3. A

    fix hyperlinks automatically

    Dear All Thank you for all your help and sorry I din't read the three first green sticky topics first~ SirJB7, Thanks a lot for your formula. I think I need to explain the situation in detail. For example in A1, I've got'apple'with hyperlink to the webpage...
  4. A

    fix hyperlinks automatically

    Hi there I have a workbook with hundreds of links to our intranet http://abc.net/corpsupportTrainingResources/Pages/TrainingandAssessment.aspx (not real address) now the URL is changing. Instead of change each hyperlink idividually, I would like to know is there any easy ways to update the...