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Search results

  1. D

    Index/Match/Sum Problem?

    Hi Narayank, Thanks for the questions. Now it seems like somebody is looking at this again! On your first question: You are correct in your assumption. The total that actually got on at the very first stop is 174 (sum(b5.ac5). On the second question: I used this as example but it is eg...
  2. D

    Index/Match/Sum Problem?

    Hi Hui, Thanks for the reply. I hope this will help and trust that I have done it correctly to upload the data. http://www.2shared.com/file/BUZUQNC6/EXAMPLE_DEMAND_1.html Regards Dan
  3. D

    Index/Match/Sum Problem?

    Hi Friends, I have two different tables (matrices) consisting of a stop to stop demand matrix for 30 stops (in the top table, for example, the demand between station 2 and 6 is 18passengers) and another providing the VARYING distances between these stops (in the bottom table the distance...
  4. D

    Scenario Analysis with inputs/outputs across spreadsheets

    Hi friends, Does anyone know of a way to do scenario/sensitivity analysis with input parameters spread across multiple workbooks? I have two workbooks with 27 tightly coupled worksheets and have multiple inputs spread over them. Is there any way I can do a "what-if" or "scenario analysis" or...