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Search results

  1. U

    embedded vlookup with division

    I sent an email to you with the sheet I am using. Thanks
  2. U

    embedded vlookup with division

    Sure, here are the fields associated: Valet Name B8:B24 Total Cars per Day F8:F24 Then on a separate worksheet Valet Name B8:B24 Monday C8:C24 Tuesday D8:D24 Wednesday E8:E24 Thursday F8:F24 Friday G8:G24 Each of the columns entitled with a day of the week have the number of hours...
  3. U

    embedded vlookup with division

    I am not sure if the lingo I am using is correct, but I can explain the problem I am having and hopefully someone can help. I manage a valet and I am trying to keep track of parking productivity. I have a table with a column that lists all the valets names and a column that lists how many...