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Search results

  1. O

    Need to pull 2012 dates from two arrays and then average their duration

    Haseeb, I believe that did the trick. I had read about using CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER but completely forgot about it. I works on the sample file I uploaded. Now I'll try to use it on the full tracker with multiple durations. I'll post my results, but that might have to be later this weekend or...
  2. O

    Need to pull 2012 dates from two arrays and then average their duration

    I've been using the filter manually so far, but I would like to automate it by formulas, as the sample I showed is only one array. The real tracker has 14 sets of dates and is time consuming to add a column after each set then do the duration calculation and average it out. I was hoping that I...
  3. O

    Need to pull 2012 dates from two arrays and then average their duration

    Thanks for the welcome. I've searched and haven't found exactly what I need. I've attached a sample workbook. Download here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B4rlQn-OsIMGQ0J2dHE5eVRmWmM What I'm trying to do is automate the look up of 2012 dates without having to create a new column to...
  4. O

    Need to pull 2012 dates from two arrays and then average their duration

    Hi. Newbie to the site. I need to calculate the cycle times between to dates (milestones)and get the average for those durations for dates occuring in 2012. So far, I've been subtracting column B from Column A, then using an Average() forumla to average them out. I'm trying to automate the...