@SirJB7 - Thanks for the updated file. It was working until I hit a resources available wall and it crashed and corrupted on me.
@Hui - Thanks for the formulas I was able to use them to grab some data. I only had to remove a chars from a few of the values that contained a = or another char. I...
I tried a few of the solution you all have suggested. I am running into a problem with the parameters not being in the same order on the string.
I uploaded a small sample to dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4eme9wfch3xgpmf/SortingStringsByParam.xlsx
I also tried to distribute text to...
Thanks for your replies. I am the @dotcomken from twitter but that's about it.
Sorry if I posted something out of context. I had been searching for at least 2hrs on Google and on here. All of the solutions that I found were for something similar but did not work for all variables.