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Search results

  1. V

    Problem with Index and sumproduct function to vlookup a range with ranges

    Thanks Narayan. You are right the problem is peculiar. It appears only when the vlookup formula in F column is in the same row where the lookup data is situated. Say our lookup data is in row A3 to E9 and lookup is done in colum F from row 2 to row 100, then row no.1 and rows from 10 to...
  2. V

    Problem with Index and sumproduct function to vlookup a range with ranges

    The data is.. A B C D E F Row2 Blank Blank Blnk 21 err Row3 10 20 A 11 A Row4 30 40 B 141 out of range Row5 50 60 C 21 C Row6 70 80 D 39.6 B Row7 90 100 E 109 E Row8 110 120 F 51 C Row9 130 140 G 77 D Row10 Blank Blank Blnk 21 err Row11 Blank Blank Blnk 131 G Row12 Blank Blank Blnk...
  3. V

    Problem with Index and sumproduct function to vlookup a range with ranges

    the formula in column F below =IFERROR(IF(AND(E2>=$B$3,E2<=$C$9),INDEX($D$3:$D$9, SUMPRODUCT(--(E2<=$C$3:$C$9), --(E2>=$B$3:$B$9), ROW($A$1:$A$7))),"out of range"),"err") Ideally for value 21 in column E the correct answer should be "err" which appears in row2 and row 10 but...