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  1. E

    If formula - criteria in three cells

    SirJB7 Thanks for the file. I tried it on a blank sheet and it works 100% In my sheet where i need it, it don't work but i will keep on trying. I will post file if i do not get it right by tomorrow Thank you very much again
  2. E

    If formula - criteria in three cells

    SirJB7 I will go read the three green topics. Luke M What i need from the formula is firstly to find the cell (A1,B1 or C1)containing the bigger than 0 value. If value bigger than 0 is in A1 then copy G11 to E1, If value bigger than 0 is in B1 then copy H11 to E1, and if bigger than 0 is in C1...
  3. E

    If formula - criteria in three cells

    I need to get the If formula using criteria depending on three cells. One of the three cells will always have a value of more than 0 and the other two will be 0. I tried =IFF(AND(A1>0,B1=0,C1=0),G10,IF(AND(A1=0,B1>0,C1=0),H11,IF(AND(A1=0,B1=0,C1>0),I11,"N/A"))) I always get the...