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  1. X

    Table Background Image

    The only way I've found to this is to: 1. Insert a shape 2. Fill the shape with a picture 3. Position the shape over the table 4. Set the transparency of the shape so the table data can be seen It some disadvantages: 1. The table is not editable since it's overlaid by the shape 2. The...
  2. X

    Problem with Conditional Formatting for Duplicates in Multiple Column Worksheet

    or this: =SUMPRODUCT((1/COUNTIF(A2:J2,A2:J2)))=1 =SUMPRODUCT((1/COUNTIF(A2:J2,A2:J2))) on its own produces the number of occurrences of each unique number in the range. The "=1" at then produces a TRUE or FALSE result.
  3. X

    Problem with Conditional Formatting for Duplicates in Multiple Column Worksheet

    How about this: =FREQUENCY(A2:J2,A2:J2)=COLUMNS(A2:J2) ..which returns TRUE or FALSE If all the cells contain the same number, then the first element of the bins array will contain a count which will be the same as the number of columns.
  4. X

    IF-ELSE with Left(find)..

    Hi, If I understand your problem correctly, you have a list of Active Directory User Principal Names (UPNs) and you want to separate them into two columns; the first column will contain a list of UPNs of the format FirstName.LastName@domainname.com, and the second column will contain a list of...