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  1. S

    Returning subsequent entries from VLOOKUP where duplicates exist

    OK I have it working perfect now by remembering to Shift+Ctrl+Enter. Sorry for missing the obvious. That is an amazing couple of formulas! Thanks for taking the time to help!
  2. S

    Returning subsequent entries from VLOOKUP where duplicates exist

    Here is a note that may help: The unexpected result I'm getting is the value of BM34. I also get a #NUM! error when I copy this formula down in my actual application. When I copied your formula down in my demo table it worked great and changed dynamically.
  3. S

    Returning subsequent entries from VLOOKUP where duplicates exist

    And that LARGE re-write works awesome!! I don't understand how it works, but it does. It even works where I have data in A1?!? I love it!
  4. S

    Returning subsequent entries from VLOOKUP where duplicates exist

    Thanks Luke, that worked perfectly for the example I provided. My practical use is a bit mor complicated, but I'll fool with it on Monday and keep trying to adapt it. I'm actually trying to search numbers in AR$23:AR$64 and return the corresponding name from BM$23:BM$64. My LARGE formulas...
  5. S

    Returning subsequent entries from VLOOKUP where duplicates exist

    I have a table with similar data to this... 50 Joe 50 Cindy 50 Janet 30 Jamaal 36 Anthony 24 Stephen I want to return the 5 highest numbers in column A of the source table into column B of the results table. Then, return the corresponding name from column B of the source table into...