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Search results

  1. alsampels

    Timecard - Formula to Calculate [SOLVED]

    Amazing! Thank you so much Hui!!! It works perfectly and was so much easier than I was trying to make it. Thanks again for your help!
  2. alsampels

    Timecard - Formula to Calculate [SOLVED]

    Hi all~ I am creating a timecard. It is for one employee that works at three different sites over the span of one month. Each day that is worked the time is entered as hh:mm in the appropriate site column. I need a formula that will total the hours and minutes based on a 60-minute hour in...
  3. alsampels

    Average of multiple percentages

    I'm working on a spreadsheet that is divided by month with a numerator, denominator and percentage within each month column. I didn't start listing n/d until April so Jan, Feb and Mar are just percentages. I have all the formulas entered for all cells except the year-to-date percentage. I...