Thanks sirJB7
I found out that I have more rows which some are blank from E8:E800. From the formula provided by sthomas and luke is it possible to add counta at the start so it does not count blank cells? With the bellow formula it counts +1 for every row blank
this is the formula provided...
thanks for your repply Luke
I can use =SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"Change in Scope"},All_Results!E2:E9)))) to find the number of words matching "Change in Scope". In the spreadsheet, Words are divided by ;# between each other
Is it possible to create a formula that trim the words together...
My first post!
For example, I have
Collumn E
1 Apple;#Change in Scope;#Late placement
2 Change in Scope;#Unrealistic;#Customer Not
3 Change in Scope
4 Change in Scope;#Late placement
5 Customer Not Ready
6 Change in Scope;#Unrealistic date;#Late placement
7 hello;#Test...