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  1. I

    getComment function

    Thank you again for your advice! I have done what Hui and Luke suggested, but the problem still exists. I can not reopen a file that keeps the function. So, everything works OK, until I close my workbook. I can nt understand what s going on. I m wondering guys, have you tried to reopen the...
  2. I

    getComment function

    Thank you, Luke!!! Your advice was exactly what I needed! However, another problem appeared with this function. I followed all the steps in order to insert the function in my excel workbook, but every time I close it,suddenly the function disappears, and i can not use it any more. So, I repeat...
  3. I

    getComment function

    Hello, I ve found all of your tips really interesting and actually very helpful!!! Regarding the getComment function, sth I needed for my homework, I found out that I cannot use it combined with another function. For instance, I tried to use the function in order to bring comments from another...