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Search results

  1. lirguio

    How to concatenate a list with 3 columns pivot table?

    Hi All, I actually have a problem, well, better a challenge..:-) I am trying to do a concatenation of a list similar to the one below, base on a pivot table. e.g. Supplier Country with spend Supplier Country HR Capital...
  2. lirguio

    How to get the correct percentage of a scale of numbers

    Thanks to everybody for all the great formulas, My best whishes to all of you. Regards, Leonardo
  3. lirguio

    How to get the correct percentage of a scale of numbers

    Hi Shivallabha, Thank you very much, Yes, your formula works as well. You as well have a great knowledge of excel formulas. Regards, Leonardo
  4. lirguio

    Everyday is a school day..!!!

    Everyday is a school day..!!!
  5. lirguio

    How to get the correct percentage of a scale of numbers

    Hi Somendra, That's excellent, thank you very much. I was doing some work with Idex and match formulas, but this is by far outstanding expertise. Thanks a million, Kind regards, Leonardo
  6. lirguio

    How to get the correct percentage of a scale of numbers

    Hi Somendram Not necesarilly, they should change every 6 months. Thanks, Leonardo
  7. lirguio

    How to get the correct percentage of a scale of numbers

    Hi Faseeh, Thanks for your quick reply, I didn't come accross this formula before, it's a great help, but it would not work for amounts like 29,000 the result value of the formula is 2.51% when I was expecting 3.05%. I believe it's because the changes in the scale are not the same value...
  8. lirguio

    How to get the correct percentage of a scale of numbers

    Hi All, I am trying to get the correct % for an amount achived at some point of the year. The scale is as follow: Value Percentage 40,000 1% 35,000 2% 30,000 3% 10,000...
  9. lirguio

    Dynamic Graphs with Named Ranges

    Hi Luke M. Thanks for your quick answer and suggestion, I will try to recreate the problem and come back with the information, Thanks a lot and apologize for the mistake I’ve made. Regards, Leonardo
  10. lirguio

    Dynamic Graphs with Named Ranges

    Hi, I am using one of your fantastic tips in one of my excel worksheets; There is a file with dynamic graphs (like a dashboard) with named ranges which I’m using, with multiple VBA codes similar to the example below: Sub SelectCustom() [Cname] = [FCustK] End Sub Also there are some index...
  11. lirguio

    Hello - Inroduce myself

    Hello, My name is Leonardo, I am from Colombia, I really like the site, I am folling all your amazing tips and developments, I'm an account so I'm ussually work with excel all time. I have included some of your brilliant ideas in my daily work. to become awsome in excel as you.!