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  1. S

    AN =IF Question

    To all those who have helped in this question, many many thanks. I am amazed at the expertise from around the world and the willingness to share their time with those in need. Thank you so much, I now have sufficient choices of solutions to resolve my query. I also have grown in knowledge...
  2. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi SirJB7, The fine ratchet is based on a repeat failure in any given period depending on the relevant KPI. The table just dictates the severity based on the number of instances of failure. Many thanks for your help Snowwy
  3. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Narayan, I have downloaded the file and see that Row 2 is different. Can you explain the workings of it all please? Regards Snowwy
  4. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Narayan, I have had a look at the file you left thank you and I see that it works fine. To try and understand it though I have taken it apart and this is where I have got to... Row 1 =IF(D4="",0,IF(D4=0,-999,1)) I understand and is looking for a fine value, a blank or a zero. it then put...
  5. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi SirJB7, I am currently developing this for two independent projects. They are similiar and so contiguous data is possible on one, but the other has gaps due to other measurements so your answer will fit one, but not the other. Kind Regards Ian
  6. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Narayan, Thanks for this, I will have a look. Snowwy.
  7. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi SirJB7, I didn't know I liked Siberia either but I now have found I do! Probably not when its below -40 though! The winters are hard I understand... Regarding your question , yes it would be possible to tabulate them in some fashion as you suggested. I await with excitement! Many...
  8. S

    AN =IF Question

    Er in case i have done this wrong... here is the link again. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/99659186/AN%20%3DIF%20Question%20(from%20Snowwy%20at%20Chandoo).xlsx
  9. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi SirJB7 and Luke M, Back from the wilds of Siberia...! I have tried to apply what has been sent with some success, but I think its time to share a file so below is a link with a sample of my dilemma! Lets hope I can get this bit right. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards...
  10. S

    AN =IF Question

    Chandoo, What an awesome site!
  11. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Luke M, Many thanks for your solution which I understood up to a point. As with SirJB7, (See previous post)I have a lot of work to do making the solution 'fit' my piece of work. With multiple KPI's and gaps between quarters and years i have to be careful to adapt it so everything works as...
  12. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi SirJB7, Many thanks for the second version of the upload, I did try transposing the Row to Columns myself but as I didn't understand the INDIRECT function, I couldn't make it work. You have now cleared that up for me. I have a fair amount of work to to adapt my worksheet as in its...
  13. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Luke, Wow another version to get my head around, many thanks, I shall report in due course. Snowwy
  14. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi SirJB7, Sorry I haven't got back to you, I have been running around the Country on other things. I think your answer is BRILLIANT although I don't fully understand how the INDIRECT function works. :-( In my spreadsheet though it works using the Months across the sheet and so I have been...
  15. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi SirJB7, I have just started to look at your spreadsheet and understand some of it :-{ I am a bit slow in 'unpicking' so that I can then translate into my project. I see you use a Y N function which I hadn't thought of as I was using an IF( cell value >0...) to be the trigger...
  16. S

    AN =IF Question

    SirJB7, Many thanks, I will have look and report back. Brilliant! Snowwy
  17. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Mike and Narayan, Just got up... Narayan - You are correct Month 08 should have been 1 just as Month 02 was. My apologies for the error. Thanks for both your inputs and sorry to confuse you. Let's see if I can explain myself better. The mechanism I am trying to 'automate' is the...
  18. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Mike, I have tried it and although the calculation works in terms of value, what ultimately I am looking for is something that picks up the number of occurrences of a fine, not a fine value. The ratchet works on repetative failures from a deterent point of view, and resets back to 1 if...
  19. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Mike, I will give that a try. Thanks Snowwy
  20. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Narayan, Yes the fine is a calculation from another formula. 1. Correct 2. Correct 3. Correct 4. The fine resets to 1 anytime there is no fine in any given month. Regards Snowwy
  21. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Narayan, Thanks for asking. It is for KPI calculations (Key Performance indicators) For example KPI If we carry out say 100 calls per month and fail 5% we get a fine say £10 based on a lookup table. That part I have solved. If we fail the KPI a second time the following Month we still...
  22. S

    AN =IF Question

    Hi Chandoo, An Awesome site! and loved the Salary survey!! Here is a challenge> I have to work out how to increase a fine based on two factors 1.The number of consecutive occurrences of failure over various periods Example: Mth1 £10, Mth2 £20, Mth3 £5 etc... The fines ratchet up the...
  23. S

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi Chandoo, I stumbled across your website some months ago and was blown away by your skills and enthusiasm for Excel! I am still learning a lot and I wondered if you knew how to insert a new line in a linked spreadsheet with data entered on another one? Seems simple in my mind???