Sure. It is attached. The date calculation needs to be relative so that as we update the interval it can move w/it. In sample spreadsheet, the dollar amounts are hard coded. Thats where the formulas should ideally go.
Here is the use case.
A have column headings that are dated friday of each week. Each friday, I updated the first column heading, and the rest ones update themselves into the forecast.
I'm doing a cashflow forecast. Based on the week/month, I apply certain costs to that column. I pull data...
One thing to note Hui,
Helper rows throw off the NPV formula, b/c they insert 0 value periods when instead the NPV being calculated from the helper rows should start the first period where there are values (not 0 period).
Is there a way to suppress 0 value cells for the NPV calculation of...
You are 1/2 way there, but by using E39, you are only getting the NPV vs rNPV (row 41). The problem I am having is calculating the rNPV on future phases as if is that future phase has already occurred (i.e. I am already at Phase III or NDA phase). When I go forward in time, my risk...
I dont think so. You can do the opposite, make a cell a color based on the values it contains (Conditional Formatting), but I dont think you can make the IF statement use the color (at least not w/out some VBA).
Try this.
See as you cycle through the different sample cases I have built the phase duration can change, and hence so does the NPV, and the subsequent NPV's I want to model.
I have a worksheet/ table (P&L) that is populated based on the values from an Input worksheet. The P&L is phase based (where phases only calculate costs until you reach revenues), so as the project moves from phase to the next (a phase can take multiple years/columns) the values and value of...