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Search results

  1. P

    DT Data Table using entries in the DT as input to latter entries in the same DT

    I think that I found out the source of the problem. In a DT the calculations are done in the following order: Top Row (the formulas row the other rows from top to bottom. THAN it recalculates the toprow (the formulas row). I fail too see the logic in the order calculations are done, but...
  2. P

    DT Data Table using entries in the DT as input to latter entries in the same DT

    Luke, Thank you for your suggestion, I have already tried it and run into the same problem. Everything works fine the first time I run the DT. However once the DT has been calculated for the first time, when I change parameters (that have nothing to do with the DT) and press recalculate I...
  3. P

    DT Data Table using entries in the DT as input to latter entries in the same DT

    I have the following interesting problem which I would like to solve within Excel without going to VBA or human intervention. I have a data table (DT) with one variable but many outputs in each row. The DT is very long in terms of length of columns (thousands) each row in the DT refers to...