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  1. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    No worries. Your jewel of a discovery has been working wonders for me today!
  2. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Ack. One more point I discovered after some debugging: the lookup and result vectors had better be sorted by the lookup vector as the sort key (INDEX($J$2:$J$5,,1) in the above example). Maybe this isn't news to anyone, but to me, it was a try of desperation as I watched the LOOKUP function...
  3. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    No worries. I just looked at it. It appears to work. And it serves my three primary use cases: 1) I can add a new consultant and fee into the fee table, as required 2) I can add any consultant to any project and the summaries automatically update 3) I can create a new project mapping and add...
  4. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Nevermind about sending, I can get to the above link. The use of LOOKUP in that way is a bit mystifying - I can't find that technique documented anywhere. How did you find it? Again will give it a whirl when on a real computer and can break it down. Looks promising.
  5. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Hey Montrey, Just on my iPad after a long dinner party so will have to check it out in the morning. But your excitement is clear! Unless the pasted formula says it all, can you forward your .xls to the gmail address we created as well? More feedback tomorrow. Doug
  6. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Hey guys, To be clear, I don' t expect you to go building me spreadsheets! Although I much appreciate the yeoman's effort, what this is is a discussion about whether Excel can do something or not. If I took the example I gave and said we'd put Project Summaries on Sheet 1, Project Work by...
  7. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    PS @SirJB7 - I will look into subtotaling. If that gives me something more automatic for the summaries, I'll repost my experience.
  8. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Hey guys, @SirJB7 - I definitely agree with you, that for data clarity and management I should normalize the data sources onto separate sheets. That said, this example was for simplicity, and I don't believe that putting the samples into a single sheet for illustration is actually the problem...
  9. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Hi Montrey, I received your suggestion, much appreciated. For discussion, SirJB7 and others, it's copied here in a textified version: _| A B C D 1 Project Consultant Fee Table 2 fido alan alan 10 3 fido betty betty 15 4 fido...
  10. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Absolutely - I will repost to a public share on Dropbox as soon as possible.
  11. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Sure - hope you're OK that I don't publish my email in a public forum. How about send it to dugless.montrey at good ol' gmail? You can attach the .xls to that, and I'll respond with a real email for future use? thanks!
  12. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Hey Montrey, Unfortunately 2shared.com is a Windows-only service (I'm on a Mac), and even if I tried this at work, our security policies would block them because they require a downloaded component to be installed to use their service. Any chance you can either paste a textified version to...
  13. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Appreciated Montrey - Speedy.sh is asking me to join, so I'm guessing that you have a column in betweeners Consultants and Fee Table that produces the fee mappings, and I get that that's one route. However consider my example is fairly simplistic for example's sake. Imagine Column B was...
  14. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Hey Narayan, Thanks for the post. I just tried your suggestion and I get the same behaviour. The only difference that I can see is that in my example I referenced the data and lookup with literal cell ranges, and you're suggesting to dereference those from named ranges. Correct? The result I...
  15. D

    VLOOKUP to turn one array into another?

    Suppose I have this range of string values in cells A1:A10 A B C A B C D A B C and another range for lookups in B1:C4 that maps those values to their numeric equivalents: A 5 B 10 C 15 D 20 Ideally I would like to be able to build an array that maps each entry in A1:A10 into B1:C4, via...