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Search results

  1. O

    pivot table transposing information

    I am using two tables to create three pivot tables. One of the tables provide the container number and PO numbers for each container. The other table provides the container number, cbm's, total cases and vessel the container came off of. I need all of the above information but beings the...
  2. O

    Formula for: If something is in here then add the corresponding

    SirJB7 I replied back to you with the attachment via my email.
  3. O

    Formula for: If something is in here then add the corresponding

    I can't upload it because I'm on a network computer at work that does not allow access to any of those websites.. I can email it to someone?...
  4. O

    Formula for: If something is in here then add the corresponding

    Ok this is a door sheet used in a warehouse. In order for me to track production I have to keep up with the amount of cases each guy unloads and divide it by a whole day time. At the top half of my sheet for example Column I (marks the quantity)Column S (marks the name of the individual that...
  5. O

    Formula for: If something is in here then add the corresponding

    I NEED A FORMULA FOR THE FOLLOWING. IF S11:S31 has the name "JOHN BLUE" in it then sum the corresponing cell in that row in column I. Is that at all possible?