If you look at the sample file you will see a Due Date column with a date in it, in the cell next to that I want to use a IF statement to say "Due" two months from the date
I have in A1 a date 27-June-14 in B1 5 years and in C1 27-June -19 which indicated that from date in A1 5 years later the date in C1 will display 27-June-19 (Formula is A1+1826)
I want to use a IF function in D1 to test C1 when two months is left to flag with "Due"
Help will be appreciated
First and foremost thank you for all the help, I am not an expert with Excel and therefore very thankfull for your help.
I will test it over the weekend and let you know.
Kindest Regards
Thank you for your prompt responce and the following on your points
I fully understand your comments A, B and C of above as I was testing that and it work.
However the second question are as follows:
Once I apply the template using the code above to create the first workbook e.g...
Dear All again
Seven days ago I posted this question above and it seems no one can or want to help with that......any recommendations where/whom I could turn to
Kindest Regards
Dear All
First and foremost thank you to all those whom helped with my previous enquiery this site is defnitly the best and friendly.
I am in the process of testing a referred code from “Old Chippy” http://www.mcgimpsey.com/excel/udfs/sequentialnums.html, now I would like to post another...
Old Chippy
I am in the proses of testing your refered code above, now I would like to post another question.
Is it posible to apply the code to a template (create the template), apply the template to create the first eg. invoice with a invoice number 1 and upon saving the invoice lets say as...
Sorry to be a pain in the neck again, the code you suggested attached to a button within a workbook would work. I could also have used one workbook with various sheets within the book and then use a referral reference to a cell + 1. However what I want is to setup a worksheet save it as a...
Hi there
I would like to know if it is posible to create a worksheet, save it as a template. The when applying the template it creates a number in a specific cell eg. 1 then save that sheet, then reapply the template creating a increment number in the same cell as in above eg. 2 and so on...