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  1. M

    Visual Presentation: Status, Share, Number, Timeline - all in one. NEED HELP!

    Thanks for having a look!!! I've separated the Project related data that we might use for project reporting (worksheet Project)and general info about customers: geographical location, sales volume, which group they belong, etc. - this all is in the first tab. So they are two parts of one thing
  2. M

    Visual Presentation: Status, Share, Number, Timeline - all in one. NEED HELP!

    @ cyril: I've tried to customsie Timeline but some of the instructions are not detailed enough for my level of knowledge :-( So i just used it there way it is (for 12 months) and changed the data labels and numbers to suite my needs as good as it was possible) I also created actual vs. target...
  3. M

    Visual Presentation: Status, Share, Number, Timeline - all in one. NEED HELP!

    Hi! I've cleaned up the file I have so that hopefully it is not confidential anymore... Not sure, how to provide it for download - here is my attempt with Google Docs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtwluE6tAhUmdFU4RTBWSERXcTNSNTB1WGo1bnU5ZFE I thought I try to outline again...
  4. M

    Visual Presentation: Status, Share, Number, Timeline - all in one. NEED HELP!

    Hi! I am pretty new to this forum, to Excel and many other things:) My boss asked to to produce "something" that demonstrates how complex and BIG our project is.It's sort of a dashboard. We are rolling out a project for the next two years. We have 6 groups of customers each group rolled out...