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Search results

  1. D

    Dynamic Data Validation Lists

    Hello I am looking for some help to achieve the following with dynamic data validation lists (see sample attached). The available column in the requests table should contain a unique list of staff who are available for the specified start and end time and are not currently busy. At present...
  2. D

    Guidance on VBA Rota/Scheduler procedure/algorithm

    Hello I am looking for some help in creating an Excel VBA solution that will create a rota/schedule allocating staff to service users using an algorithm. I believe there are already existing names for this kind of problem/algorithms but not entirely sure what to refer to it is. Here is my...
  3. D

    How to automatically attach Excel Spreadsheet To Outlook Email and CC to sender

    Look at using the Outlook Object model rather than SendMail.
  4. D

    How to automatically attach Excel Spreadsheet To Outlook Email and CC to sender

    There are lots of great example VBA code on this site: http://www.rondebruin.nl/sendmail.htm I have recently used this in some of my projects to attach the worksheet and email to recipients which are in a named range on another worksheet: http://www.rondebruin.nl/mail/tips2.htm Hope those help.
  5. D

    Offset named range with helper cell for multiple worksheets

    Thanks for the solutions guys. My first introduction to the INDIRECT function.
  6. D

    Offset named range with helper cell for multiple worksheets

    I am trying to achieve the following and wondered if it is possible. I have a spreadsheet that contains monthly data on different worksheets with the worksheet name as the monthname "Jan", "Feb", "Mar" etc. Each of these worksheets has the same structure but different number of rows due to...
  7. D

    Combine VLookup and SumProduct to return value based on ID and date range?

    I think I've managed to answer my own question using the following formula, replacing the cells in column E: =IF(SUMPRODUCT(--($G$2:$G$7=A2),--($H$2:$H$7<=D2)*($H$2:$H$7>=B2))=1,SUMPRODUCT(--($G$2:$G$7=A2),--($H$2:$H$7<=D2)*($H$2:$H$7>=B2),$I$2:$I$7),NA()) The formula returns...
  8. D

    Combine VLookup and SumProduct to return value based on ID and date range?

    Hello I came across a situation today where I need to perform some sort of a lookup based on an ID value and between a date range. I have read some of the suggestions in the recent vlookup article and believe I need to use a vlookup combined with a sumproduct formula, though I haven't managed...