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  1. M

    Numbers as Text

    Luke that did not exactly work in this case. I ended up adding an apostrophy before the number and had to double click with the mouse on each cell (170 rows with this problem). After the double click the green corner would show and my Vlookup formula would work in the ohter column. Anyone...
  2. M

    Numbers as Text

    luke, I think that will help , thank you. This is something i do everyday and i was hoping for an easy fix. i guess i will just need to make a macro to automate. Aolchippy, That is a good article but i usually exprot from Access straight into Excel. I will think about that when i am...
  3. M

    Numbers as Text

    i need them to be all text. There are part numbers with zeros in the begining or an "E" in the middle. Excel will take the zeros off of the begining and change the PN's with an "E" in the middle to scientific notation. This help from excel ruins the data then my Vlookup comes back with errors...
  4. M

    Numbers as Text

    I often have issues with Numbers formated as text. I work with part numbers that can be all numbers or mixed numbers and characters. when i use Vlookup and one sheet has them as numbers and one sheet has them as text the vlookup shows an error. I have tried to reformat but is very frustrating to...