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  1. T

    look up

    thanks Hui, please find the attached file. the formula would be in "main" sheet and the datas are from "index" sheet. thanks
  2. T

    look up

    Is it possible that if i write the room number and extract all the people in that room? for example In one sheet I have Room 123 Alex John Doe Room 124 Patric Mark Roony and in another sheet i want to look who is in 123 and extract all in that room. please help
  3. T

    multiple counts

    i want to count leaves as follows A B C Name leave type leave days John off days 10 Jan annual leave 30 John off days 2 Dian sick leave...
  4. T

    Count excel

    i want to count a letter if the next cell is greater than zero. A B 5 years 2 10 years 3 5 years 0 10 years 4 5 years 0 count how many "5 years " are greater than zero.
  5. T

    Pop up alert

    Hi guys, Could you please help me to create a pop up alert on an excel sheet when the date in one cell is going to due.
  6. T

    Excel Formula count

    Wow. Chandoo org is the best. Thank you all for giving prompt and wonderful answers.
  7. T

    Excel Formula count

    Hi guys, Could you please help me on this. john 25, doe 26, john 35, bon 28, john 35. how do i calculate the total amount of john?
  8. T

    excel formula

    Hello guys! Is it possible that i can count the following using a formula. i want to check how many trousers are in medium size etc and how may shorts are small or medium. Trouser Small Shirt Medium Shirt Large Shirt Medium
  9. T


    i want to have a refresh button in my excel sheet. when it refreshes the formulas get refreshed which is linked to another sheet. for example Vlookup formula in a sheet and when i press the refresh button, values from another workbook have to be updated.
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    i want to have a refresh button in my excel sheet. when it refreshes the formulas get refreshed which is linked to another sheet. for example Vlookup formula in a sheet and when i press the refresh button, values from another workbook have to be updated.
  11. T

    conditional formating

    i want to highlight duplicate values which is less than 1 year. help please
  12. T

    Excel Formulas

    for example A B C 3 9 5 D=A+B+C=17 I want to make highest value of D is 8 and if exceeds, then it should go to like cell E D=8 and the rest 9 in cell E please help
  13. T

    Excel Formulas

    hi everyone. my question is if a cell value is more than some value how i add it to another cell. for example. i can only accumulate 8 off days and if it exceeds the amount it should forfeit. so, if it is 9 then i want it to be added in "forfeit" column.
  14. T

    Excel Formulas accumulate days

    @ siraj. actually i want a formula that my staffs work for 6 days they can accumulate 1 off day. like that 12 days they can get 2 days. B2 is today's date and C11 is used to enter commence date of employee. i think your simple formula is working. any advise, please give.
  15. T

    Excel Formulas accumulate days

    Hello I want a formula that if an employee works 6 days 1 off day, 12 days,2 off days. when i use the following formula, it shows 6 days plus then 2 off days. =TRUNC(((D12)+6)/7)+(WEEKDAY(B2)=WEEKDAY(C11)) d12 is total days worked. B2 today(). C11 starting day..
  16. T

    Excel Formulas

    thanks oldchippy. could you help me in this? Athif Maldives Athif America 2001 3 times Chandoo Singapore Athif America 2010 4 times Athif India Athif England Ali England Athif America 2012 5 times. how can i calculate the total times Athif went to America?
  17. T

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    HI. My name is Athif from Maldives, near India and Sri Lanka..
  18. T

    Excel Formulas

    Hi. I want to know for example Athif visited so many countries and how to check from the list how many times he visited America. Athif Maldives Athif America Chandoo Singapore Athif America Athif India Athif England Ali England Athif to America ????