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  1. S

    Need VBA Code for outlook

    Hello, Can i get a VBA code that should ask password prompt while sending out messages from inbox everytime? Thanks in advance.
  2. S

    Conditional fomatting based on date

    that is the just example i have given...here incase of weekedns then cell color should be shifted to next working day. its required only for OPS and Resulst column.Thanks
  3. S

    Conditional fomatting based on date

    Hope this cand be done by using weekdays formula but i dont know how to apply this..pls help..thnx in advance.
  4. S

    Conditional fomatting based on date

    1.In ops column it should exclude weekends. Here I need 2 days to be highlighted which is already done by you, but for eg. If 17th is Friday then it should highlight only 17th and 20th (next working day) or if 17th is Saturday then it should highlight color for 20th and 21st. 2.In Result column...
  5. S

    Conditional fomatting based on date

    Wow...this is awesome..Thanks a lot for ur help:)
  6. S

    Conditional fomatting based on date

    sorry..i was uploaded earlier..due to some issues it didnt get upaloaded... Here the uploaded files.
  7. S

    Conditional fomatting based on date

    Hello, I need this report to be coloured based on the criteria given in sample file. Note:The cells which are highlighted in color for each dates in the file are manual, the same needs to be worked in conditional formatting based on the date updated in the cell A9. Requirement is given in the...
  8. S

    Hello .. Introduce yourself

    Hi I am new to the forum n when it comes to excel I am hoping to gain lots of advice and support from all you experts .. Thanks in advance
  9. S

    formula for proportionating the amount

    Hi All, I have applied the formula for calcuating proportionate amount that needs to be porportionated between fruits and vegitables, but for few cases its not giving the desired result (which is highlighted in the sample sheet). Column J (manual result) should match with Colomum E (formula...
  10. S

    Locking the cell automaticall once the date passed

    Sir.. Could you plese share your mail id..I have some query and I ll send my sample working sheet. Thanks, Sambashiva.
  11. S

    Locking the cell automaticall once the date passed

    Deary Narayan, Thanks for your help. I have a date in B1 and locking range is B2:B25 but this code will lock entire sheet once the date passed . I want only the cells B2:B25 to be locked. Need ur input in this regard. Thanks.
  12. S

    Locking the cell automaticall once the date passed

    Hi, I have created a volume updation tracker for my team.I mentioned the date on Cell A1 and the teams are updating the data in a2,a3,a4....like this..and once this date (a1) is passed all the remaining a2,a3,a4 should get locked automatically. how to do this Pls suggest.